Message from the Chief Mentor

Dr. Partha Sarathi Ganguli Chief Mentor
It is with great pride, I wish to say that our online admissions from anywhere in the world are making rapid progress. Saraswati Online.Com was envisaged as a credible education facilitator whose endeavour is to ensure democracy of knowledge, which has been our hallmark since the time of our inception in the year 2000. This we did by opening newer avenues for students of our country, enabling them to leave their indelible footprint in the avenues of their choice, in a world no longer cramped by geographic boundaries.
It is common knowledge that the number of people aspiring for higher education far outnumbers the number of opportunities available. By creating new and diverse openings, we hope to redress the balance to a considerable degree while providing the students’ community with meaningful opportunities to pursue their dreams anywhere in the global domain of education.
At the same time, we are tirelessly building bridges between foreign universities and students who are keen on seeking higher education abroad.
Saraswati Online specializes in identifying, developing and promoting educational programs that are absolutely critical to nation-building. We have many such successful programs in place.
We hope to reach out to more and more students and universities, and in the process foster closer relations and better understanding among countries, cultures and peoples.